Saturday Shopping!

Today it is saturday, which is pretty much my favorite day!
I'm a little sad thougth, J. had live this morning after breakfast for Brussels dealing with a few things. He will be back by tomorrow evening already, but i miss him.
You get used to be with someone all the time pretty fast, specially when this person is your favorite person in the world!

Fortunatly i have stuff to do today to keep me busy! Like going shopping with C.
I am not a big shopping fan, like usually girls are, but since i need a birthday gift to my sweet little mom..
I don't have a specific idea about what to get her yet thought. I guess we'll see.

Yesterday we went to a great place name Rosa Bonheur. It is like a little house, in the middle of a wood (Parc des Buttes Chaumon) and we had a really good night! The weather was obviously capricious and we did an entire hour line to get in (gosh, i hate to wait but our freinds were already inside) and honestly, it was worth it!

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