Saturday Debriefing

Paris was kind of sad this week-end.
Non-stop raining (anything to do with the picture of this post, no cute summer dress, no cute hat, no. All about umbrella and trenchcoat, booh), exept on saturday morning which was great since we had breakfast in a nice café just before J. left.
I went to meet C. for a shopping cession which was weird since neither of us bought a thing.
I didn't found my mom perfect gift, and i also didn't found a swimsuit or a cute bikini! Seriously it's barely the begining of august and no bikini in sight, they had being replace by coat and scarf already. That. is. depressing.

On my way home, i went to a little triftstore, and by that, i mean a real small and cute triftstore not the new kind of very hip shops where you buy a shirt old of 20 years at 100€. And i did get really lucky! I found some Levi's shorts (perfectly cut!), an awesome white tennis Lacoste dress from the 80' and a floral cute dress. Made my day!

A quick shower later, i went to meet C. for the second time that day. We had to meet some people who have lived in Canada or are about to. The point of the night was to exchange tips, anecdote and stories.
I have asked a few questions, i did get some answers, so all in one (exept the 2 organizers were wierdo) it was interesting.
After that, we walk to Breakfast in America, and we decided it was exaclty what we needed (even if just before that we were debating between chinese and italian). We ordered a glorious burger and a chili cheese fries (gosh, just like old days when i was in California!), we talked about our experiences in the US, since the context of the place brought us back a few years earlier (exactly 3 for me and 1 for her). It was a really nice evening.

I woke up every two hours that night, like i always do when i miss my sleeping buddy.
Can't wait for tonight!

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