The day went so fast today, i couldn't believe it. I had a lot of work, so that was probably the reason!
When i get out of the office, i didn't feel like going home so i went to a nice café and took a delicious Perrier Citron outside while reading my summer book ( Alors Heureuse? By Jennifer Weiner).
I actually like to spend some time alone from time to time and since J. had a appointment it was the perfect occasion.
The wheater was absolutely gorgeous. Warm. Bright sun. I finally see summer :)
Oh and we also rented the car for going to see my family, in less than 10 days now, sooo happy!!
It will be like a mini roadtrip (about 7hours).
We are going to stay for only 5 days there, but at least we will enjoy family, sun, poolside and good food.
Can't wait!