Redon inspired still life, watercolor, 9" x 11" There were a lot of requests to paint yesterday's Redonsetup, so I did... First to watercolor match the ribbon and boxes... Surprise! A 5-month old framboise macaron lurks within one of the boxes!! Used in another setup. No, I did not eat the macaron...yet. Would you?
Were the rununculas chosen because of the Redon exhibit?
The pink box was sighted not so far from the Grand Palais expo...
David paints his thumbnails on typing paper(!) so I tried it out....
Then just plain old tracing paper...
Then thumbnails on watercolor paper but these are not simple enough :( But I forgot to look at the thumbnails I did that day until after the fact. A la prochaine/next time. If you're going to paint pink, pink, pink...
You need to eat a lot of watermelon!What shall I paint next PBers?