Can you ever have too much ice cream? BEAR says NO! I am inclined to agree with BEAR. Perhaps that's why we get along so well...
Looking at ice cream cones is almost as good as holding one.
Don't you think?
If a French friend invites you to Berthillon you must eat your framboise ice cream in a cup. A cone is not acceptable a table.
I love this Wayne Thiebaud etching of ice cream in a cup.
Sketching cones is great fun.
But painting ice cream 'from life' has it's drawbacks...
Ice cream refuses to sit still and will melt on you in situe...
Much as I love my ice cream in a cone I prefer not to sit on one...
Nor do I like having a cone plopped in my cuppa - who's bright idea was this?
The Italians like the idea of a half cone...
Laboratorio del Gelato's ice cream is quite pleasent in a cup yet they insist on closing their shop at 6 PM! Why do they think New Yorkers can make it to the Lower East side by 6 PM? Anyone who wants to join me in a PROTEST Demonstration let me know svp.
My latest favorite flavor is Black Sesame at Sundaes and Cones. I have big plans to make black Sesame macarons soon...
These days I'm reduced to grabbing a dixie cup in a pinch. Unlike Paris, which has ice cream shops on every corner (is that why I love Paris?) New York is not so well-endowed.
I'm happy to report Amorino, the French gelato chain has opened a shop in New York. I'm not happy to report it costs $5+. I have my limits.
I'm sorry to report that La Maison du Chocolat, who formerly scooped out their ice cream fresh is now offering only ready-filled cups. A step down in quality IMHO.