London Trip

I went to London for a quick business trip.
By quick, i mean one day, yep! a single day..

Which mean i woke up at 5.30am to catch my Eurostar and get back by that same Eurostar at 11.30pm the same evening. Tiring but goood.
I fell in love with the city! I have been to London before but it was a long time ago and i've really enjoyed it.

We arrived very early (around 8.30am local hour), we went straight to Covent Garden where the most recent restaurant/store of Ladurée is.
The meeting lasted all morning long but was interesting though.
Then we ate at the restaurant, outside, in an exquisite setting. It was just lovely. I took a very fancy salmon plate and as a reward for having eaten all my fish i took an almond morello icecream cup. D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S!

After we went to Burlington Arcade, where the second store is. Another meeting...
Then i was invited to Harrods, in the third restaurant/store, for the afternoon tea (yayyy!)

Again, i was amazed by all the luxury Ladurée can show..
They know their business for sure.

I took a Oolong Violet Tea and a strawberry mascarpone tart.
Then it hit me : 'if someday i have to go back to a job where i have to eat sandwichs every days, it will be pitiful"

I met a lot of co-workers who i mainly know through phone calls and e-mail. And after all that, i was able to walking around a little before catching my train. The weather was perfect and it was a really sweet day.

I arrived late at Gare du Nord but J. was there with a little 'JULIE' sign, so cute   :)

Here are a few pictures of the day!

                                                            So that's basically my 6 am face, Ughh!

                                                           And as you see, it gets worst

                                                         Afternoon Tea, isn't it lovely?

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