Last night I went out searching for my inner mussel. Luckily I live nearby the Brick Cafe Astoria.
Not only is Brick loaded with bistro-esque Frenchie touches.
But the Michelin guide saw fit to give them 1-star!
And they serve a mean moules/mussels marinere with THREE different sauces. Natch I went for traditional white wine with a touch of parsley and basil, since my illustration assignment calls for it.
It occured to me, why not grab a few shells, toss them in my bag for preparatory sketching later on at home. Naturally just then the owner comes by, catches me red handed and asks,
"Is there anything WE can help you with?"
(Like stuffing your bag full of OUR mussel shells..ahem) Oh s---!
I mumbled something unintellagable.
BTW this was so good I practically licked the plate. I may return for more research tonight. I should of grabbed a few shells with the mussels still in them. What was I thinking?
For some unknown reason I always end up at the rather so-so Belgian chain, Chez Leon's in Paris for their moules marineres - not nearly as good as The Brick except the for the Belgian mussels being tastier and more plentiful.
I do love their pitcher of water and glasses but is that reason enough?
Studying the construction of a mussel.
I got to thinking it looks a lot like a macaron. Non?
THANKS for all your GREAT suggestions yesterday PBers!!
Huff came up with a near perfect solution - the iPod Touch (4th generation - 8 gigs) I can get all the Paris Metro maps and more and. Well what do you think?