Feeling so tired this morning..
I shouldn't have watch criminal minds so late yesterday.
I've noticed that i have a very strange routine when i wake up.
First i have the sweetest wake up song ever : Spanish Sahara from The Foals, i just love it
So when i hear it, even if i had a very little sleep, i'm all smile (most of the time), i stretch, i turn on the tv (just a few step away from my bed), i put some music on, i make cofee, i turn on my computer, i take a shower, i brush my teeth, i dry my hair, i dress, i put some make up and i go back on the computer until it's time to go.
And i pretty much do that EVERY morning!
I have plenty of time for myself actually and i can't decide if it's a good thing or a not so good thing. I think sometimes i miss having someone in my life. Okay, emotional part's over!
It's time to go ;)