It's impossible to visit Venice... And not walk over a bridge. In fact there's some controversy over exactly HOW MANY BRIDGES THERE ARE IN VENICE? Some say,
"Venezia è costruita su 117 piccole isole e ha 150 canali e 409 ponti"
"Venice has 117 small islands, 150 channels and409 bridges"
Whilst others proclaim,
Venice has 117 islands connected by 378 bridges.
Whatever. You're bound to walk over quite a few if not all of them...
Looking at these photos I'm a bit sorry I didn't spring for a gondola just for a different perspective from leaning over bridges...
Certainly you'll need a good 'cuppa' before venturing over the bridges.
Though I wouldn't venture out it these shoes...
Nor even these gorgeous Italian numbers...
Remember the steps are very wide...
So workers can cart everything under the sun over those bridges. How else will you get your pane e tulipani?
I hope you enjoyed this little escape from reality. I did.