L'Amour Fou de Petits Fours, watercolor, 9" x 11" Still crazy for petits fours, I thought I'd try the competition. Mais quelle disastre! I opened the box and they were slip slidin' away.Staff grabbed the box, ran in the kitchen and tried to patch them together :( Where are the little protective caissettes plissées that go under each petit four bien sur? Mon dieu! I was mad. I was growling like these amazing not-to-be-missed animal sculptures of Ai Weiwei by The Plaza Hotel. C'est la vie. I picked myself up off the ground and returned to Financier Pastries for a 2nd set ofpetits fours.A pastry artist has to have something to paint.
As a consolation prize I got a passion fruit macaron = instant happiness. When life gives you lemons eat macarons.
With all this mad, crazy love for petits fours eating me up, seeing L'Amour Fou/crazy love was a natural...
L'Amour Fou is a French documentary about the relationship of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge, their amazing art collection and Berge's decision to auction it off in 2009 in a 3-day extravaganza. Read more about it in Elaine Sciolino's story here.
The film offers an inside look at their lives together and the relentless luxury of their lifestyle.
Yesterday Yellow Birddragged me down for more pastry luxuries. Who does he think he is - YSL?