It was a long but yet fine week at work.
Wheater is still nice and i've discoverd a great vintage store in the Marais who's not asking completely crazy prices as the usual vintage stores in Paris.
I've waited to be friday since last sunday!
When the day finally arrived i was thrilled. J. was supposed to arrived around 8pm and then we where supposed to see Morning Parade concert with the girls.
So when he called me at 5pm and told me, he couldn't make it because he missed the co-voiturage (stupid work!) he was supposed to take for coming, i thought Oh Oh...
He sounded really upset.
We try to find someone else but it didn't work out. Someday, things just not going right.
Suddenly i was feeling really depressed. He promise to come on saturday morning, very early.
I wanted to cancel the concert and go straight home but he convinced me to go.
So, I went to the concert, alone with my friends and there, out of the blue, 2 hours later, J. send me a text message : "i'm outside". And . He . Was!
He took the train, check the adresse, took a map and came to join me :)
And it was just the begining of a GREAT week-end!
Feeling really happy.