Me, apparently, with my mini-haul that I got the other day. I wanted to check out the new MAC collections (Fabulous Felines), and my friend needed some hair dye, so off we went to town! And this is what I got!

China Glaze Nail Polish in Agent Orange
MAC Superslick Liquid Eyeliner in On The Hunt (Black)
MAC Lipstick in Lady Bug (Lustre)
I bought these separately, sort of. I had a free Back to MAC lying about, and wanting a new kind of red lipstick, as my Russian Red was running low, and wanted a slightly more glossy red, a lighter more "day" red lipstick.

This nail varnish is gorgeous, but super awkward to photograph. It's called Agent Orange, but I wouldn't really call it orange, even though it looks it in this picture! It's a reddish-orange, with pink undertones, in some light. I genuinely don't have anything like it, and think it's a really unique colour! It's super pretty, and I've worn it every day since, I love it so much! It looks boring in the bottle, and I thought I might regret it (I'm trying to buy more "traditional" colours!) but I definitely don't, which is good news. (:
And then I got them home and tried them both on, and realised just how perfect they look together! They're very pretty, I'm also wearing the new eyeliner - it has a weird wet-look effect, which I like on its own, but not when paired with eyeshadow, I found out today, haha.

And if you're wondering what awesome new scarf that is..

That would be this bad boy, £6.99 from H&M and I absolutely adore it! H&M scarves always sucker me in, and I buy a few every Autumn/Winter, cause I love them so much. There's another two I want to go back and get.. You can't really tell in the picture but the orangey bits are a super bright orange, and they're lovely and I love it and there is lots of love.
Thought this was a cute little post to do! Anyway, today I'm off to the gym and to see my friend for lunch!