1.I adore sitting in a tiny cosy coffee shop listening to my favourite music and just reading a book..

2.It is definately one of my plans that when I start making money of my own I'm going to move to England where I'm going to buy a little cottage somewhere in Cornwall..

3.Adore watching Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice with my cousin Naid-http://stateofgracebynaiad.blogspot.com/ - while we have turned the room into the North Pole(we love to put the airconditioner at the 17 celsius and hook up with some warm blanket)
4.Love listening to jazz music and certainly adore Norah Jones..!
5.I quite adore wearing my new mellissa heals which are so cute that I can't get them off for noo reason...;P
6.I'm practically obsessed with chocolate..I'm in love with chocolatee and all those beautiful chocolate cupcakes...
7.Adore the chanel bag 2.55 and I'm really hoping that some day I'm going to hold her in my very hands...
8.Adore travelling...My new travel goal in New York where I definately want to live for some years...
9.Dream job=Fashion desigher/fashion reporter..Even though I'm studying chemistry I want to do nothing more but copying with fashion...!!
10.CHRISTMAS make me really happy!!Love the whole atmosphere, the shops,the classic 50's songs..I utterly adore the smell of cookies and the sense of the family gathering together..Not even to mention that every christmas my wardrobe gets bigger..I sooo love that little part..;)
P.S:There are so many other things I want to mention but I've got to stop here..!!!
I'm going to tagg some more bloggers that I really love to follow their post almost every day:
Lots of love,

P.S:There are so many other things I want to mention but I've got to stop here..!!!
I'm going to tagg some more bloggers that I really love to follow their post almost every day:
Lots of love,