After dinner you go to bed.
I go for le fast dejeuner when in Paris...
A salade. On occasion I'll stop at Au Pain Quotidien, since their menu is universal and I never leave their communal table all draggy and stuffed to the gills - ever onward to more tearing around Paris...
I LOVE for these lunch boxes at Fauchon - this one holds 'Risotto Langoustine citron'. Practicement poetique non? Now even Monoprix carries rectangular boxes..
I do love eating lunch out of a box (only in Paris)
Very carefully designed boxes they are too...
Don't you love getting something fresh in the marche to eat at home...
I'm a Taurus...
We're homebodies you know...
My favorite concoction-
"American Soup" French Girl calls it, because there are more than 3-4 ingredients. This plus a side of tabouli and you're armed to do battle with the endless cobblestone rue of Paris.
A nice read while you eat your lunch in or out is Liz Bard's Lunch in Paris, especially if you like to cook but it's not required.
Shall we all celebrate Google on their birthday with this little petit four painted by Wayne Thiebaud's for dessert?
Today's PB subject came to mind when I got this video made by David Turecamo in Paris on What French children eat for lunch. It was on CBS news this weekend - oh to be a French child in a school in France...oui!

"American Soup" French Girl calls it, because there are more than 3-4 ingredients. This plus a side of tabouli and you're armed to do battle with the endless cobblestone rue of Paris.

(do you gobble your food?)
Do watch and enjoy!
Do watch and enjoy!