The bottles are perched on lovely cake stands.

Help yourself.
Blenheim Bouquet: 'allows a gentleman to undo the good work of the finest ladies finishing school'

These are Penhaligon's advice not mine.
I do wish they didn't show these Fiesta-like cups and saucers in their windows.They sell tea and scented candles but these do not 'go' in my opinion, not that anyone is asking...
I wish they'd stick to their very Victorian look with a decadent edge and leave it at that. The cups and saucers are trop ordinaire...
If you adore perfume and have not read Chandler Burr's The Perfect Scent you are missing out. Everything you want to know about perfume lurks within this book.
Then hightail it off to the Paris Musee du Parfum for further immersion whilst sporting a pink ribbon and a matching macaron.
Don't miss the very old style Frenchie Caron full of ribbons and fluffy powder puffs at 34, Avenue Montaigne...
I will hightail it back to cold remedies and more zzzzzzzzs etc.