Ohhh wow. I feel like I haven't blogged in years! I am so sorry guys! My followers have been going down and I feel really guilty! University is going welll, still settling in and meeting interesting people, I so just want to get on with some work now, though.
Anyway, the best bit of being a student has arrived: my student loan! So I headed into town with a mate and had a wander around the shops. An the only things I bought were in Primark and all under £3 each, haha. So much for going wild.
I bought a hat a few weeks ago (I thought I wasn't a hat person, but I've been converted!) and since then I wanted one with like, tassles? It was hard to explain. And then I saw this lovely one in Primark.

I love it! This is kind of an awkward picture but I was trying to show off the little pom-pom's n the end, but it's not very clear! Nice bit of bandeu top + hat there, haha. Weather appropriate, I feel? The hat definitely is, it's been fucking freezing around here recently!
Then I wandered through the jewellery section and saw two things that definitely caught my eye:

These gorgeous little bird earrings! They're dangly ones, which always make me feel a bit weird, but they were £2 and super cute, so hey.
And on the way upstairs, I saw this beautyyyy.

I have developed a recent thing for brooches, in particular bird brooches. I want to cover my bag in them..

As you can see, I have this owl one (£1.50) and then the other two which were found at an antique shop & on etsy. Pretty dorky, but I don't care!
Oh, and whilst we're here, check out this crazy sky from the other night:

It was all.. apocalyptic.