Last night I went to the fabulous 'Hats:An Anthology by Stephan Jones' exhibit at Bard Graduate Center...
A hat inspired by illustrator Rene Gruau I'm always raving about...
I bought Rene Gruau's J'Adore calendar in Paris last October thinking I was very clever and now I see it on Amazon...who knew?
We have hat designer Stephen Jones to thank for this fantasy trip.
Jone's atelier is on view + a can of his essential soda pop...
So many hats and only one head!
There's just something special about a woman in a hat. (Betmar Philosophy)
"Women wearing hats are at once sophisticated and whimsical....Their faces are younger and softer. They carry themselves differently, daintily, like deer. Their voices flutter a bit..."(from "O" Magazine).
The human head is a constantly moving and turning pedestal...with the hat a sculpture. (Eia Millinery design)
If you can't make it to New York (ends April 15) by all means get the book.
So many hats get their inspiration from uniforms...
I spotted this lacy cocktail hat one night in Paris passing Cherry Chau's shop. You can hear more on the exhibit here.

And Thank you Kerry in WA for reminding me.
Bon Week-End!