I got French lecons on le bon gout/good taste last weekend. For example in Paris NEVER wear flipflops. They're for la plage/beach only I was told.Repetto ballerinas are always perfect. Les running shoes? Non non non jamais! I was sitting in front of Sant Ambroeus eating a gelato - a perfect shoe viewing spot.
Caroline Kennedy waltzed in wearing these silver ballerinas.
A Parisienne wearing Italian metalic sandals..
My new Converse with sparkly paillettes - anything shiny is hot hot hot right now in Paris Fr Girl says.
Could you call these 'Marie-Antoinette' flipflops?
Trying to keep up with Fr girl's good taste I got $$$ Fr beurre.
But she wanted Philly Cream cheese.
On her Murray's Bagel.
Other essential New York food - Magnolia's chocolate cupcake with (pink) vanilla icing.
It's the unique way they swirl on the icing that makes them superior I informed. I ate one last night. Never again. I downed a sesame bagel slathered with cream cheese while watching Seinfeld reruns too. Monkey see - monkey do.
I struck out there too. Just give me a toasted marshmallow.
We're all sheep aren't we when it comes to doing the right thing.
When in Rome. I'm not throwing out my flipflops anytime soon, but I won't take them to Paris.