Hi Everybody!
How was your week-end?
Let me tell you that ours was awesome!
That was the first in our new little studio, and we loved it (exept the 3 weeks waiting for INTERNET! Gasp)
We have walking around our new neighborhood and, again, we LOVED IT!
On friday night, J. took me to a little date-burger!
Who was almost turned into a double date, since a middel-aged couple from Norway sitting next to us couldn't stop talking and asking questions about Paris, our life, and random stuff.
They were actually really sweet and called us "an adorable couple" :)
On Saturday we took an unavoidable step to IKEA with my friend D.
Then we manage to decorate and arrange the place (did i tell you how much we love it??)
That evening we went to a "Belgian New Year Party" with some friends.
The band weren't that great and the place either actually, but we were in good company!
Then come the lazy sunday, where we walk, we thrift (i've finally found a great thrift store in Paris and it's 10 min from home!), we went to the Sacre Coeur (which is also 15 min walk from home!) and on the evening we made a romantic little dinner and watch The Secret of Brokeback Montain.
I wish week-ends never end..
And here are a few pics!
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