So today i wanted to say Thank You for all those little (and BIG) things who's making my life so great.....
-Thank you for the book i found on sunday!
(Someone have put a bunch of new books on the window still of an old house just around the corner with a little note "A donner, servez-vous et bonne journée!"
I took one book i had planned to buy (Before i go to sleep)! Definitaly made my day!
- Thank you for the two gorgeous vintage shirt i found at the thrift store.
- Thank you for our a pretty little nest we can now call home.
- Thank you for the great wheather.
- Thank you for the quick subway ride i took to go working every morning.
- Thank you for the good coffee and so so good croissant all around the city.
- Thank you for my good health.
- Thank you for my loving family (i miss them soooo much!)
- Thank you for all the good songs (like the one from Captain Kid - We and I. Can't get over it)
- Thank you for every plan & dream we have for the futur
- Thank you for that hot shower with just the right amount of pressure
- Thank you for our new neighberhood (trendy and convenient)
- Thank you for great inspiration i find all around blogs
- Thank you for all the "Petit Marseillais" and "Le Baume Du Randonneur" products (i love all of you!)
- And finally Thank You for having J. ( he's washing dishes, he's cooking great meals, he makes me laugh and he's there when i wake up at night after a bad dream. Which to be honnest, happend a lot lately..)
Have a Great Day! :)
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