SOS! EMI...911?
Calling Dr. Jill (of Mad About Macarons)
Yes, I tried to make macarons this morning enfin. After consulting an insane number of books in THREE languages and being up till 1 AM checking again every internet recipe bla bla bla
And I have an insane amount of equipment some of which I kept losing in the process.

PS - I did NOT age my egg whites for 16 days on the kitchen counter but instead nuked em for 20 seconds - I think it worked fine - qui sait?

Practice makes perfect - not there yet.

Sorry PBers. This post is 'R' rated.

I got 'FEET'!
kind of.
And I used 'Superfine' sugar instead of the required GRANULATED.I don't want to think about the mess I made of the macaronage :(
Still I am NOT discouraged dear PBers.
Ever onward into the breach!I will be tackling chocolate macarons as soon as I post this.
Pray that there is some improvement dear friends.
Besides I have FIVE POUNDS of Almond Flour to get through.
They say you must be organized to make macarons...hmmm
I will say even though I failed with flying colors it was A LOT OF FUN!