Hey hey,
It's the week-end finallly!
The weather is great and life is gooood.
We didn't find a place to move yet, but we are seriously searching now. Hard in Paris thought..
J. had move in for good since 3 weeks and he really belongs here.
He comes to pick me up at work almost every day and we go walking around the beautiful streets of Paris, and then dinner.
I mean, how many time in a life time can you experienced a perfect "bohemian's way of life"?
We going to enjoy at the most our year in Paris, and then go to Montréal for a year.
After that, we'll see..
I want to go to America but since Canada is not far at all, we will spend some time across the border and it will be just perfect!
I've discover a new (at least for me) tv show calls The City!
I know, i know shame.on.me! It's super superficial and sickeningly girly but it's make me dream and that is priceless (there is some amazing views of NYC bTw). That Girl, Whitney is appealing and cutely so-not-bitchy.
Things at work are good, but i've decided to stop taking things personally and just do my work. point. I want to enjoy my summer so i will do my 9 to 6pm monday-friday and that's absolutely it.
One. Year. And after that ByeBye dear office!
We going to meet my parents in the south of France this summer, 4 days in july an 4 days in August. It will be some teeny tiny vacations! And i will see my little sis', and that's is making me soooooo happy happy happy :)