Granted the chocolate macarons look right.
And they taste GREAT! But (a BIG but) more later.
Let the suspense mount.

This time I got the measuring and mixing of the almond batter right (sort of).
Except I forgot to SIEVE the stuff - a NO NO. (I must buy a proper sieve) A la prochaine...

Go figure :)
Rick asked, "Where is BEAR?"

Voila! Tout va bien.
*A neat trick I found in the comments of the recipe I followed in the Huffington Post for these chocolate macarons - put them onto a rack and stick inside the freezer for 5-10 minutes. They practically pop off the parchment paper! Yahoo.
Regarding the ganache filling. This I found the easiest step. I looked at a lot of recipes and then improvised.

Beautiful flat bottoms and shiny tops!
I forgot to taste though...uh oh

Basic proportions: 1/3 cup boiled heavy cream to 1 bar of 3.50 gr of dark chocolate is standard, plus throw in 1 tbsp of softened UNsalted butter at the end for a glossy look. I used SALTED butter to cut the sweetness and extra lashings of salt + 1 lash of Ceylon cinnamon to give some mystery. I planned on using McCormick's Extract of Raspberry but when I saw the Red Dye #40 I got their Almond Extract instead. Also I used a bar of Perugina dark chocolate w/ almonds bar for more almondy hints. Once it's chopped up fine in the Cuisineart you won't bite on any chunks of almond - so not to worry. I would love to try an infusion next time...
Looks good no? Tasted even better. By the way I softened the chopped up chocolate bar in the microwave at 20 second on low heat 5-6 x. Worked like a dream and less pots to clean. The ganache will easily resoften after taken out of the fridge and left at room temperature for a bit. Can I freeze it though? So much leftovers...

I baked my meringue cookies TOO LONG!
25 minutes in MY oven is just too long and I forgot to taste them once they were cool :(
So in the end I made a really nice HARD cookie, but not a merinque.
Was it from overbaking?
Was it from overbeating?
Was it from NOT 'aging' the egg whites as some will tell you?
The mystery continues until I get back from Maine.
Will I solve this conundrum?
I must!
I must!
Remember there's still 5 pounds of almond flour in my fridge.
By the way I used Valrhona cocoa in with the almond flour and lashings of salt to cut the cookies sweetness. Je le deteste the overly sweet macarons I find here.
Just my 2 cents.
Stay tuned dear PBers and I LOVE all your helpful hints!