I spotted Ines de la Fressange's new book, La Parisienne in La Hune's vitrine on blvd Saint-Germain in October. It was their last copy so I grabbed it and clutched it to my bosom obsessively... Now I see Parisian Chic will be out April 5 on Amazon in English!La Hune had a sell-out book signing for de la Fressange - her favorite stuff in the window including a Cafe de Flore table - it is right next door.. Ines has become The icon for Paris - she has that certain something no one can put their finger on - that je ne c'est quoi. Plus she is Queen of Older French Girls(OFGs) at 53 non?As if all that weren't enough, de la Fressange has just signed a contract to be the French face of L'Oreal. "If I can be the ambassador for older women, I'm quite happy."Her beauty routine is pared down: protective day cream, Dior's Crème Abricot nail cream, no sun and lots of sleep. As for Botox and plastic surgery: "I would be too afraid I wouldn't recognise myself any more." I'm giving you unpetit gout/a little bite from the Fr. version to tide you over till April, since Ines leaves no stone unturned when it comes to insider info.
Bien sur I'll visit her Le Top 5 des Fleuristes: Arome Paris - 196, rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75012 Lachaume - 10 rue Royale 75008 Moulie Fleurs - 8 Place du Palais-Bourbon 75007 Odorantes - 9 rue Madame 75006 Dani Costes Dani Roses - 239 rue Saint-Honore 75001Ines' Shopping Pauses - where to grab a quick delicious bite...
Little details to change your style to become more Parisienne...
If you want to see Ines in action, watch her little diaries around Paris for Roger Vivier - the next chapter will be out in April, but there are plenty of back months to watch...