It's Sunday, March 20th so it must be MACARON DAY!
Already 10:15 and we're late. The FREE macaron party began at 10 am. Of course there is a donation for a worthy cause, 'Autour des Williams'.
BEAR studies Pierre Herme's map of EIGHT places to visit for FREE macarons(3 chaque fois)!
1st stop PH,72, rue de Bonaparte - a big crowd already.
A taste of what's to come dans le vitrine.
What flavors to choose? There are many new exotic flavors of the 25 on offer:
Asperges verte & huile de noisette
Metisse:carotte, orange & canelle
Depayse: The vert Matcha, haricot rouge azuki, citron vert & gingembre
Infiniment Jasmin
Coing & rose
Figue, eglantine & foie gras
Since I am collecting macarons for French Girl I will get all the new strange flavors.
Instant gratification dans le rue!
A baby gets the best view.
BEAR looks inside.
Carefully orchestrated pandemonium on rue Bonaparte.
So much so that we get to sneak some photos.
Of the prized macarons - miam-miam
BEAR is quietly humming, "Oh Happy Day"
Off to P.H. 185, rue de Vaugiraud where calm reigns supreme.
So many PHs line the walls they're reflected in my watch!11:15 am
Une figue svp.
Next stop P.H. Publics drugstore - 133, Champs-Elysees. We are joined by fellow macaron adventurers.
Everyone in Paris shows up for Jour du Macarons including serious bikers.
At P.H. 4,rue Cambon the line is short and fast.
No Parisien dogs waiting for macarons on rue de Rivoli.
Meanwhile les macarons Pierre Herme await Fr Girl, especially l'asperge.BONJOUR JOUR DU MACARONS 2011!JOUR DU MACARON