I had Mixed Berry + Pumpkin Spice and Frances went off the deepend with Caramel Banana + Mixed Berry and gobs of jam and butter.
My tea was a wonderous mix of apricot + ginger + orange + + +?!
Our neighbor (British) asked politely if she might take a closer look at M.BEAR. As an owner of four bears at home, she was instantly smitten. In fact she popped BEAR into her purse just to see if he would fit...ahem. She is returning to London shortly and BEAR mentioned he liked London a lot.
We did not have any Mar-Tea-Nis...

Our neighbor (British) asked politely if she might take a closer look at M.BEAR. As an owner of four bears at home, she was instantly smitten. In fact she popped BEAR into her purse just to see if he would fit...ahem. She is returning to London shortly and BEAR mentioned he liked London a lot.
Some bears have a lot of nerve!
The idea of going home with the first person who asks?