You need a proper pastry scale if you want to make proper pastry. All the pros everywhere use them. The measurements in grams in the book are universal. Every pastry chef worth his/her salt has a scale to get the exact quantities correct. C'est comme ca.
Making pastry is chemistry and not a casual handful of this or that.
An oven thermometer is the best way. Macarons can be fickle - much depends on your oven.
Another lecon. Jill does NOT use a Kitchen Aide to beat her egg whites.Simply a Moulinex hand-held electric whisk.
Here's a sneak peak inside Jill's shopping basket.
Jill could not be more adorable or accessable or generous with her secrets. Do visit her new blog, Le Blog. And for heaven's sake get her book!
BEAR is thrilled at the prospect of actually making some macarons of his own.Plus Jill has promised a follow-up lecon next trip if we do our macaron homework.
We were both smitten with Jill's bag from Lupo by the way.
The outside of Mora FYI - they couldn't have been nicer or more helpful and the prices are less than across the street at Bovida...hmph
Jill insisted on taking me to Jean-Paul Hevin's new Chocolate Bar, but that's another story.

So we can all get down and start making macarons, myself and BEAR included!

See the dents? Ha! Who knew?
Shall we all get baking?
I'm ready to plunge in enfin.