Fresh! (And I'm not talking about the weather.)
One of the definite perks of being a fresher at university.. is the free things at your freshers fair! We didn't get amazing things (my friend down in Maidstone said her uni got Urban Outfitters bags and shoes!) but they were alright! We got some junk, some free pens & paints (art uni), some vouchers and various bits & bobs, and then I look in the bag and there is this..

I'm not going to lie, when I first saw it, I was like eugh, I hate that brand, having used it when I was younger. And then my conditioner ran out. I was in the bathroom already and I couldn't be bothered hunting for anything else, so I thought I'd just give it a go.
And I'm surprisingly pleased with the result really! It says it's a Damage Rescue one, so maybe this is why, but like the Aussie one I usually use, it doesn't make my hair all dry and crunchy, and actually makes it pretty shiny and smooth. If you want me to do a review on it, just ask! So, thumbs up right there for good freshers bags, UCA!
Oh, I also got a cheeky nail-varnish, too. Not realllly my colour, but it's nice enough. It's a bit too.. Barbie-pink in person.
I love a bit of free-stuff, don't you?