What do you think?

This big stand has been at the Odeon Metro for years...

Who needs it?

I must remember to pick up some...
La Vaissellerie has a ready supply of goofy stuff...
Have you ever noticed how many otherwise serious and refined boulangeries have goofy figurines around the shop?
I forgot to show you yesterday the giant Superman floating over Printemps Cupcakes Gallery - I just don't get some of these French obsessions...
Goofing around with paper cutouts is HUGE in Paris - you'll see this stuff everywhere and I don't think it's for the tourists. French Girl has tons of goofy stuff in her apartment by the way-more to come...
L.APPARTEMENT, a rather chic shop in the 7th arrondissement, is full of goofy tchotchkas.

What is this stuff anyway?
These are Parisiens leche-vitrine not tourists.
And these Parisiens are happily marching in to buy nutty, goofy tchotchkas. For even more Frenchie dottiness do stop in Colette on 213, St.-Honore 75001!