It's only 4:10 AM and our train is not until at 5:25 AM
Another eeek!
We were moaning to David at the Club about how early we had to get up to catch the 5:25 AM to Paris. But he reminded us that we did pay less, the train would be way less crowded (it was) And we'd be in Paris much, much sooner then if we took a later train.

Other people are busy taking last pictures of London...
BEAR waits patiently...
BEAR gets impatient!
BEAR searches for coach #2, seat #72.

He has adopted New York pushy ways I'm afraid...

Where did the time go?
Back on the streets comme d'habitude red red red...
More RED!
If you're wondering what BEAR is reading on his travels, he found Martha Gelhorn's (former wife of Hemingway) book, Travels with Myself and Another in London. The catchy subtitle grabbed him -
Back in Paris at busy Gare du Nord Bear heads for the Metro.

'5 Journeys from Hell'
Perfect reading everytime we wanted to moan about something like getting up insanely early to catch the Eurostar to Paris...ahem