Summer Essentials!

I did think about making a video talking about this, but decided that I would just do a post, because I explain myself more succinctly in writing. I thought this might come in handy for those hot summer days that we've actually been having here in the UK! Unfortunately they seem to fall on days when I'm at work, so this is some of the stuff I stash in my bag, haha.

This is an obvious one, really. Suncream. I recommend getting a little bottle to throw in your handbag, because you never know when you'll get caught out in the sun (for example, whilst waiting for an iPhone4.. haha).
Gemma just did a great post about anti-aging products and the gimmicks. Really, your number one best bet to help prevent aging on the face is to use suncream. Mix it in with your foundation, get a foundation with high SPF, just try and use it on your face as much as possible!

Facial Wash
This is also a bit of a no-brainer. In the summer, you sweat more, and if you wear makeup when you're all sweaty.. you're just going to end up with messy skin, so I realllly recommend a good cleanser. The Shu Uemura one here is pretty pricey - but it gets off foundation like a treat. I also think something cooling and refreshing such as
The Body Shop's Seaweed Deep Cleansing Facial Wash, of which you find a review here. I came home from a sweaty 12-5PM shift this afternoon, and the first thing I did was scrub it all over my face and neck and it felt wonderful.

Exfoliators of all kinds!
No-one likes to have icky, dry, flaking skin during the summer.. and you're all the more likely to get it if you're getting a bit of sun. The Body Shop's Raspberry Scrub is a great all-over product, but I use this on my shoulders and my feet in particular, as it's a really good intense scrub - and all the Body Shop scrubs are good for this. I have
waxed lyrical about how much I love Lush's Bubblegum Lip Scrub: if I am exposed to any weather that isn't your bog-standard English rain, my lips go to pieces. Sun or snow, my lips get dry and flaky, and this is a great helping. Finally we have the only face-exfoliator I really use. I don't really need a good one for my face as I don't get too dry, and this one is really gentle. I've had it for a while and can't remember where I bought it from, but I saw it in Vogue magazine, and bought it.

Body Moisturisers
I should've mentioned this above, but summer really is the season of tanning - you're going to want to watch out for those dry spots by exfoliating and moisturising like crazy - especially if you're a fake tanner! This Soap & Glory all-over moisturising "mist" is great. It smells
fantastic and I spray liberally all over after I've showered. You don't really need to rub it in, it just sinks in on it's own. The mini-body-butter is great for popping in your handbag and all of those Body Shop butters are great for intensive moisturising. Apply to shoulders, elbows, feet and legs after exfoliating! (:

Hair Conditioners
I have a lot of hair. I have a lot of thick hair. I have a lot of thick, long hair. I also have a habit of washing my hair and then letting the sun dry it - mainly because I end up looking like Mufasa if I attempt it any other way - which makes it frizz something awful. In the summer my ends get all dry and my hair gets weaker. Conditioner's like this are
ah-maz-ing. I swear by Miracle Moist - the only thing that doesn't give me intense breakage, and I love the leave-in conditioner: I just spray it all through my hair when I've got out the shower and it helps heaps.

Dry Shampoo
This is literally just a god-send, whatever the weather, but I seem to use it more in the summer, for whatever reason. Great for when it's too hot to do
anything but you want to look respectable! I much prefer the Tropical scent - the rest seem a bit hospital-ish for my liking - but the mini Batiste I bought after a day out in London and needed to spruce my hair up before going for drinks and hasn't really left my bag since. Since I bought these they've realeased a brunette one, which I want to try.

Your eyes are just as important as you skin, so make sure you protect those babies.

And that's all for now! There will be a Summer Essential's post for makeup coming up shortly, so make sure you don't miss that. I hope you like these kind of posts, let me know, I'd love to hear your input!

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