Petersham Nurseries

Are you off barbecuing your breakfast somewhere nice today? Or are you stuck at home catching up on painting homework or whatever. I thought I'd take you off on a nice outing to Petersham Nurseries. Believe me you could do far worse and there's no traffic to fight etc. They have huge sheds filled to the limit with treasures you will instantly want to own. Like these glorious over size pots. Does one HAVE to have a garden to own these? Is it obligatory?A tree trunk table. I so need this!!! Who knew?Every place your eye lands there are divine little still life setups.Someone here is a painter, that's for sure...

Vases to your hearts content...
I'm a sucker for little decorative birds.
I picked up at least 4 this trip, including one in a Paris florist shop, where the vendeuse caught me trying to unscrew the bird from a giant stone meant to plunk in your garden.
She quickly snatched the stone away and started screwing the decorative bird back in madly.
I said, "I would like to buy the bird"
She said, "You can not"
I said, "It's OK. I'll buy the (^%$#@) stone too"
She begrudgingly sold me the bird and stone. I handed the stone back to her minus the bird and skipped out of the shop.
Tee-hee :)
They are not so uptight at Petersham Nurseries and let me buy just the bird minus the metal flower pot. It turns out the bird originates from France. I must have Frenchie taste...
This is your average Petersham Nurseries customer. If you're planning on a visit try to get a hold of a dog or three...
I took a minty tea in the caf, but the restaurant is famous, full of celebs and not easy to get a reservation in. The waitresses all wear gumboots nonetheless because of the dirt floors...
Their cookbooks by Aussie chef Skye Gynge are reknown. Very locavore-oriented with all the produce coming from their gardens and quite inventive too.
Ah...the gardens miam/YUM
When departing, it's advised you walk along the tow path back into Richmond following the river. You'll save on gas and avoid noxious car fumes irritating to the neighbors who could raise a fuss...
Why not an afternoon tea on a barge parked near the path..?
Your colorful train awaits you in Richmond station. Mine did not because it was a Sunday and I had to take a 'replacement' bus which is another story...
Meanwhile back at the Chelsea Arts Club, the awful truth has come out about so-called Tom, the resident cat. Hmmm..
Caroline R, a CAC board member and all around well informed writer has let me know that the cat is a a bit of a scallywag. Not only is Tom not Tom, but there have been many deceptions.
Me:oh I meant Tom, the CAC cat..
CR:He died.
Me:What? Well I was sleeping with someone. I mean a club cat. I wonder who it was if not Tom?
CR:They got in 2 ginger brothers.
Bubble and Squeak.
Bubble dashed into the road to his death.
'Squeak', is a large rangy cat with white paws, holds court in the billiard room.
Me:So he sleeps around and uses alliases?
CR:I'm told Squeak is very obliging in that respect.
Me:I'm feeling rather bruised and abused here, led astray it seems.
CR: Two can play at that game. You must make overtures to other cats if you haven't already...
So much for British good sense.
Chelsea Arts Club exhibit Granted Tom aka Squeak did a very good job assisting me prepare for the exhibit AND he sold all 15 watercolors. A sellout show! I'm pleased as punch. All is forgiven Tom or whatever your name is.
I'm happy to report the Petersham bird is behaving himself and doing exactly what he's meant to. Which is sit in teacups and macaron boxes whilst I photograph him for future watercolors - not a hard life really...
Thank you PBers for your kind comments yesterday!
More Petersham here
and here at Pigtown

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