Imagine you're standing in front of Bergdorf Goodman's windows on 5th Avenue.The display team has been collecting vintage mannequins for 6 years... Here is their collection in all it's past glory... The old heads are so much more intriguing than the new... They have such stories to tell, so evocative... In San Francisco, my friend, Rebecca Martinez was bidding on these same heads on eBay. They kept getting away from her...finally she contacted the winning bidder (Bergdorfs) and they arranged to send her heads to photograph. Enfin her "Challanged Beauty" exhibit in BG's windows on now. There is something poetic about these is there not..?Reminiscent of Wallis Simpson in Galignani's window in Paris... This BG mannequin reminds me of... Tilda Swinden in I AM LOVE- Did you see it yet? You must. Tilda is in Bergdorf's again and again... Galerie Lafayettestill uses real faces... An old/new mannequin in Paris...
you got designer shades, just to hide your face and you wear them around like you're cooler than me. and you never say hey, or remember my name. its probably cuz, you think you're cooler than me.