August will be "I Am Restraint" month regarding ice cream. Have you seen Tilda Swinton inI Am Love? Tilda is the absolute epidomy of restraint. Except when she dives into a plate of luscious shrimp and throws caution to the wind. (spoiler) Then all Hell breaks loose. I could say the same thing happened in Maine when I dived into fried clams. And I'm someone who proudly proclaims I do not eat 'fried foods'. Oddly enough in the same movie, Tilda's gorgeous son, Flavio Parenti, shows restraint when his sister (in London) offers him a lemon macaron. He refuses. Restraint gets him nowhere in this case, but I don't want to give it all away. I have no problem showing restraint with macarons in Paris.After all they're everywhere, even if some flavors are seasonal. I have an impulsive nature. I like to dive in to a painting headfirst and anything. I look for the waterwings later. This is not a good idea (re:lessons learned in Maine), so I'm showing you thumbnails first. Tea Time, watercolor, 9" x 11" The painting tends to come out oh so much better when you do a few test runs, like anything else...
Showing restraint in Paris with macarons is fine, unless you fall in love with the box. Better grab it. It won't be there next trip, I can assure you. As one whose middle name is Instant Gratification, this is a disastre.
During my time in Maine, I broke down and read, or rather listened to the audio of The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo. I admit I liked it. I especially liked main character, Lizbeth Salander's insistance on thinking about future consequences before making any decision. Impulsive, she was not.
Which brings me back to my eternal battle with ice cream.
That's what this is all about after all.
I henceforth declare that I will show great restraintwhen faced with a dixie cup of Edy's Slow Churned Coffee ice cream in August.
They say if you make your resolutions outloud to others, you'll have better luck with them.ADIEU EDY'S!