Some PBers asked me a while back if they could 'pin' some pictures on Pinterest. Not being in the know then I said, 'No'
'Pin' away I say.
Just tell me what you'd like to see more of to pin. Paris desserts for sure. These pretty 'whoopie' pies are from La Grande Epicerie believe or not!
Even Angelina has come up with a 'Whoopie Up' pie.
Who knew?
More fashion windows? More Pink? SPEAK.
More ballerinas? Silly question. of course!
Novelty shops like L'Art du Papier on rue Vavin?
Is French lingerie too 'R' rated for Pinterest?
Oui o non?
More interiors? More Parisian architecture?
More Bears?
I see one paw raised.
Do you want to know what's 'IN'? The latest foodie tendance/trends? Waffles/gaufres - that's what. Even Pierre Herme is making them!
I'm off next Tuesday so hurry up and tell what is your Paris-To-Die-For favorite subject so I can shoot it PBers. This is supposed to be a fun book (if Jackie turned Paris spy, then what?)
Do let me know. Cheers Carolg