Fauchon has a new Spring tea - the vert parfume
Everyone in Paris hopes to have a balcon no matter how small and on that balcon must go little pots of flowers/herbes.
*Remind me to water French Girls pots!!
If the drizzle ever stops.
*Remind me to water French Girls pots!!
If the drizzle ever stops.
More lush flowers from fleurist Eric Chauvin.
Springie fuchsia shoes from ARCHE.
Fuchsia tables at Au Nom de la Rose on rue Cler
Printemp's windows again have flower heads this year.
In all colors.
Flower-colored macarons at Galeries Lafayette
For new bebes born in the Spring (or anytime at all) you must have gifts of dragee/candy-coated almonds at the babtism.
Sweet springie bebe shoes.
Adorb bebe in Natalys vitrine
Buy DIY herbes for la balcon at Les Marche les Enfant Rouge + a very good Mediterranean sandwich as well.
Tuesday, 1 May is muguet day!
Put a SPRING in your step!
With new pointie toed ballerinas or pots of muguet or macarons or anything at all! Now if the rain would just go away and come back another day.