OK U got it. Mignon non? At Monoprix with matching glasses, cups, plates et pas cher... I love the reflection in Christian Constant's ice cream ardoise The REAL thing is nice too on rue de Rennes near Monoprix..
I'm sitting in MIYOU - Guy Martin's quickie lunch place on the deuxiem etage 2nd floor in Le Bon Marche
No ones going to mind if I bring out my tarte au citron meringuee of the day, since I bought it next door at La Grand Epicerie, right? Louise says it's No.#4 (3.60 euros) on the best meringue list. I'm working my way through the list this trip. Fortunately I've already eaten Patisserie des Reves last trip so I am a little ahead.
3 down with 9 more tartes to go in 10 days.
wish me luck :)
Rick Tulka, famous Brooklynite-expat cafe artiste waits for me at his fav cafe Le Select. Out comes the chocolate mac Louise says is the best in Paris (I meant to get the mini size but was trop blase when La Grand Epicerie vendeuse burbled something and I just nodded back oui) - quelle idiot moi. Next time I'll note the bag is awfully big for two little macarons. Rick asks me to stop embarrassing him and hide the mac...ahem
We both doodle in unison which is great fun...
Afterwards a stroll down my old haunt, rue Vavin...
An 'Older French Girl (OFG) leche-vitrine/licks the windows browsing...
Perfectly severe yet charmante clothes pour la bebe...
Pink scooters line up outside an ecole...
Giant pink meringues, formerly my dessert of choice before macarons came along - I love the way they crackle when you bit into them and then telltale crumble down your front. Chomp, chomp...
Pink ballerines - icon of Paris...
Only in Paris - DIY Whoopie pies in pink/rose
A final green tea Matcha domo dessert from Sadaharu Aiko just before bed instead of something pink. That green tea kept me up till 2:30 AM :(