But calories have been saved is the positive take on this loss. Still, can one truly experience inner meringuenese (if there is such a thing) by skipping the crust? Perhaps not.
Later I met up with Karen of the delightful Pas Grand Chose. I'm addicted to her book reviews almost as much as tarte citron. We stop at Maison blanc to view my menu artwork...
Fortunately there are no meringue tarts on the premises.
In the evening at Piccadilly Prete a Mange for another sensible salad (balance is key) this lemony/gingerbread/cheesecake layered concoction beckons. The spoon must dive deep and then stir things - you feel you've had a hand in the making of it don't you?
This morning a friend mentioned her favorite toffee at Fortnum and Mason. Naturalement I must researche...
Somehow I resisted the toffee and instead went looking for lemon meringue flavors.
Fortunately there were none.
The club's lemony cat, Squeak, is guarding my seat at breakfast so I'll go down and start the day.
Do more lemon tarts await?

Fortunately there were none.

Do more lemon tarts await?