So here goes: 7 Things About CC:
Marni geometric paneled leather sandals, at theOutnet.com.
2. I am totally obsessed with minidresses... Must have 100+!
Sachin + Babi Marilyn sleeveless dress with chiffon gathered embroidered skirt, at shopbop.com.
3. I was a New York City public high school Spanish teacher for 5 years.
And yes, when I tell people this, they always want to know if it was like Dangerous Minds...
4. I absolutely love doing laundry. Ironing, not so much.
5. We saw a black bear in our back yard the other day!
6. I am a yoga and Pilates instructor. Namaste, darlings!
7. I always wanted to be an architect... Very much inspired by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (the guy who coined the term "Less is more.")
Can't wait to see your fun facts!