'On her hair:
'Without product, I am like Olive Oyl.'
The Asian press call: "What is Inès's favourite restaurant?"
I never go to the restaurant!
Who goes to the restaurant?'
On being recognised:
'People imagine I am always in a Bentley with pearls and diamonds and black glasses and Karl Lagerfeld next to me. And usually people say, "It is incredible how you look like Inès de la Fressange." And then usually I say, "She is much older, isn't she?" And they say, "Maybe." '
BIG MERCI PBers for being so patient and buying Ines' book when it finally came out. I'm still struggling with the French version and must get a copy in English a toute a suite!
As I was grabbing a pile of black clothes to throw in my suitcase, I had a Parisian Chic epiphany when I noticed I had one of FRENCH GIRL's cardigans in the pile. I took a good long look and it hit me. Such amusing details! Faux leather patches at the elbows! Little brass buttons down the front! Why the heck was my black cardi so plain vanilla blah?
It made perfect sense. This flat bow is adorable on the back of French Girl's Paul Ka jacket non?