Everyone has at least heard of John Ruskin's The Stones of Venice, a 3 volume treatise on Venetian art and architecture, even if they haven't read the mountainous tomes... BEAR and I decided we must write, The Dogs of Venice. Naturalement we must first finish The Dogsof Paris! At least Venetian dogs are sensibly dressed (if dressed at all) for potential rain unlike their ridiculously overdressed Parisien brothers and sisters... And who needs a leash when there are no cars to do damage?
If you stop in any museum in Venice like the Accademiafor example, you'll be accosted by even more dogs.
Though mostly very small dogs so not to worry. And yes, dogs are allowed on the bed in Venice in case you're wondering...
Venetian dogs will only listen to Vivaldi quartets, so don't bother playing them Debussey per favore.
This little dog is the "Kiki of Montparnasse" model favored by all Venetian painters nonstop.
BEAR and I kept bumping into this hound over...
And over...
Even in Paris a Tiepolo fresco featuring this little dog was at the musee Jacquemart-Andres.
And on the streets as well...
You might be scratching your head wondering where the heck are all the cats of Venice?
Don't ask me. I saw only one meower and I had to take the boat to Burano to catch him sunning in a doorway...
Though Gawd knows there are way too many cat masks in Venice!