I woke up very early this morning. I'm complaining during the week for finally being awake an hour later on a saturday, whitout no reason.
Too much things in my head right now propably.
I'm watching Glee on television. I used to think it was shity but i'm kind of really like that Sue Sylvester character!
I'm living in Paris for 8 months now. And i've actually absolutely loved my time here.
I am from Brussels, Belgium, And i'm about to getting back home, in just a month now...
I'm moved here after a bad breakup. My best friend lives in Paris since a couple of years now and she ask me to come. Whitout thinking twice
I've asked my boss for a sabbatical, i've packed light and i came to the city of lights. It was supposed to be for three months, the right time for taking a break, changing my mind, making new friends,..
MJ have a big studio in the XXème, where she doens't lives since she moving with her boyfriend. So the studio is all mine. I like that place, even if it's not the real parisian appartment whit high ceiling and moldings that i absolutely love.
I spend my first few weeks to visit every part of town. I already knew a few people here exept Mj, and since then, some has become close friends.
After two months, i become somehow a little bored (I know, shame on me..) so i've send some resume without real faith. The next day my phone rang, it was a interview call, which i past well since they ask me to come for a formal interview the day after.
The headquarters of "Laduree" are on the VIème arrondissment of Paris, in Saint Germain.
An amazing neighberood! In a five story typical & elegant parisian house.
The minute i saw Bertille, the HR rep, i knew i will have the job.
And, actually, i DID!
Even if i hadn't the right diploma, and no experience at all in that field.
Here i am, the new Codification Assistant of the financial service with a permenent contract and a decent salary.
Of course i still have my job in Brussels, but i didn't really think of it at the time. I wanted to try something else, and see..
The first month went pretty fast! I had no idea what i was supposed to do, and for being honest, i've always hated working with numbers. My supervisor was (and still is) very nice, and patient even when i do really dumd things (and believe me, i do!) she sometimes have to explain me a countless number of time the same thing. The truth is i don't pay attention caus' i don't care.
I know that is just for some time and certainly not the job of my life.