To hell with Locavores!
Where French pastry chefs come up with this endless supply of fraise et framboise is beyond me other than a jam jar...
But come up with it they must or their goose is cooked.
There can be no doubt about this since you see it every patisserie vitrine.
Add to that their addiction to quatre fruits rouges.
Well RED being such a Christmasy color I thought I'd show you some RED Paris petit fours...
Gerard Mulot has a thing with RED desserts that cannot be denied...
One red fruit dessert I cannot live without is Paille Framboise. Two glossy layers of a palmier-like cookie 'sandwich' a thick layer of raspberry jam. Then topped off with tell-tale confectionary sugar that makes you look like you were just out in the snow or else eating a paille framboise. This thing is impossible to eat discretely.
It's a fairly traditional pastry so you'll have to look in at your 'local' corner patissierie to find it. I've yet to see it in the fancier Paris joints.
Really you can't go wrong at Boulangerie Rollot. They've won all kinds of prizes and competed with la creme de la creme at the concours Meilleure Patissierie de France - no mean accomplishment indeed. And it's awfully nice to be served your snowy paille by the pastry chef's wife...

There can be no doubt about this since you see it every patisserie vitrine.

You must have FOUR! (cerises, groseilles, framboises et fraises)
I admit to being fond of confiture de quatre fruits rouges (merci Bonne Maman)

48, rue Madame 75006
Do you have a favorite RED dessert in Paris?
PS Neige aux framboises is a dessert but since there's snow on the ground in Paris I thought I'd take a few liberties...