Aren't we overdue for a toast to Paris macarons?There's a NEW how-to DIY macaron cook book out -Mad About Macarons on Tuesday. It looks 'authentic' and lovely to boot. Especially since last trip I took a how to make macaron class.
I've yet to acquire the essential pastry accoutrements but I'm working on it.
I took a 2-hour class at La Cuisine Paris in the Marais.
There were 10 of us and it was all in English - HOORAY!
We got tons of practical info and lots of hands-on practice.
How to tell when your Italien meringue is just the right consistency - a nice shinny stream.
And the right temperature and not a point more.
Trader Joe's has almond powder. But maybe the grind is too thick.
We all got to squeeze out the lemon macaron shells.
It was rather dramatic when they went in the oven.
And even more so when they came out!
Unfortunately some students multi-sampled the broken or slightly imperfect macarons. Unfortunately some students promised they would subtract their eaten samples from the final take-home count. But of course they FORGOT.
If you're in Paris right this minute race over to Pierre Herme and taste his special Xmas flavors before they disappear off the shelves on December 23rd. Or you could take a class at La Cuisine Paris and hope you get to bring some home.

Some other students, who had not multi-sampled, were feeling quite murderous towards the samplers...ahem.
C'est la vie.
No blood was shed and the macs did taste terrifically lemony.

BONJOUR La Cuisine Paris!