And someone needs to take my credit card away from me! Argh!
As I said a few days ago, I went to Westfields on Monday, in London. After minimal hassle getting there (like my dad leaving the sat-nav cable in his car at work...!) and going the wrong way in Shepherd's Bush.. we got there.
And I had my serious shopping head on! I wanted to find a dress to wear out on Tuesday night as I was going on a night out with some friends and I'm just fed up of everything I own! Plus my crazy-overtime made it possible to go on shopping-frenzies.
I got two dresses. (:
I went and had a good look around New Look, and this was where I aimed to find something. Say of New Look what you will, I love it. I have too much boob and hip for the likes of Topshop or something like that, and think that Topshop is waaaay overrated, personally. I like buying stuff from places like Dorothy Perkins and New Look and making it my style, instead of buying someone else's style, if this makes sense!
Anyway, to New Look we went, and I couldn't really find anything at first, if I'm honest. We tried on jumpsuits which were horrendous! Haha, clearly 5'10 is not a good height for an average person jumpsuit. My crotch.. well it weren't pretty, and let's leave it at that.
Then I tried on this dress, and wasn't a massive fan on the hanger, if I'm honest. Got it on, and I loveeed it! It makes my boobs look really good, sucks my waist in just about right thanks to the elastic band around the middle, and the poofy skirt. If you follow me on Twitter, you'll see I posted a picture of me (excuse my stupid face! haha) in it, but this is it;
I'm not sure about the flower, but it is just pinned on so i might take it off and put it in my hair or something. I want to wear this with big curly hair and black smoky eyes and lots of baby-pink lipstick. It was a bit pricey at £28 but I liked so I didn't really mind. Bad times my student-discount has expired until September. ):
I didn't buy it straight away, and went to look in H&M, as I usually find some great finds in there. I tried on a few things that I liked, but then I got to this one and it was just very me. This is an awful picture, sorry, and I don't have one of it on butttt;
I well love it. Haha. It's quite long, but I'm tall, and it's very comfy. It was £19.99 which is pretty good, I feel. It comes with extra bits incase any fall off, which is also handy. I wore it out on Tuesday night, in fact, paired with brown gladiator sandals, golden-brown nail varnish and straightened hair. Here you can see my hair and makeup, but I didn't get any full length shots, I'm afraid!

I also picked up a couple of nail-polishes when I was in Inglot. I love these because they're super good quality for not so much dollarr. These are £7! And for that you get 15ml, which is the same as an OPI or Illamasqua polish (China Glaze are 14ml and MAC are 10ml, for comparison). Which to be honest, for a good quality polish I don't mind paying for. And they have a fantastic range of colours. I'd link you to their website.. but you can't buy their products from it which is incredibly frustrating.
320 and 851.
Today I needed to get my moisturiser because I just couldn't cope without it for much longer, and my friend needed to take some shoes back that had broken on her.
I feel like the glowing halo behind this picture is accurate because it is my One True Love. No moisturiser will ever compete with this bad boy. It is beyond fantastic and I am very glad it is back in my life. All is well, now.
And then my other friend needed some leggings from H&M and so I picked up a couple of basic things, which H&M do very well.
Black 'Satin' Headband, £2.99 / 10 Brown Hair-Ties, £1.99 / Eyeliner Sharpener, 99p
I also picked up a couple of sneaky black cardigans/wraps from New Look because one, I need them, and two, both of them were down in price. One was long and drapey and down from £17.99 to £12, and the other was shorter and had a sort of mottled-pattern and down from £16 to £9! So y'know.. kinda had to, really..! But shh, don't tell my mum.. I'm telling myself they'll be good for the autumn.
And another quick picture of my makeup today. I want to wear this kind of makeup with that first dress and the new headband and curl my hair.. so now I need an excuse to do that! This is Creme Cup lipstick by MAC, fyi. (: