Listen up bloggers. The important thing - HAVE YR BIZ CARDS W/ YOU at all times. Go to, Zazzle, do SOMETHING!
Mommie bloggers ROCK!
There were so many rocking babies at the NY Hilton Thursday, Friday and Saturday at BlogHer last week. 2,400 attendees - 1000 more than last year!
We are STRONG!
We are the world, Bloggers!
We DO make a difference!
There's a terrific recap @Marketing to Women...I borrowed this paragraph:
"For the uninitiated, BlogHer, founded in 2005, is a network of over 2,500 female-centric blogs, a "curated selection of authentic voices," according to BlogHer's About page. BlogHer is also a community for female bloggers, where they can find support, help, and inspiration. And finally, BlogHer is a yearly conference, which this year was held in New York City, August 6 and 7." Next year it will be BlogHer'11 in San Diego
There were panels all day and you could wander in and out. Design Sponge, Grace Paley, along with Gabrielle Blair of Design Mom and designer Alex Vega gave us the lowdown on Good Blog Design:The role of layout in an online medium - the room was packed.
Did you know if you have Google Analytics you can 'heat map' your blog and see what readers are hitting on the most?
We all hit hard on the Hilton lunch buffet with lots of vegan choices - YUM
And two floors of BlogHer sponsors. Thank you P&G and Emily for the fab makeover...
Thank you Marmaduke for not messing my new hairdo...
Do you know Dianne Jacobs' blog? If food writing is your schtick go visit.
The updated edition has a new section for bloggers. My original copy was ripped in half to take to Paris, so I picked up the new one.
Thanks Dianne for reminding me I MUST create a separate 'About' page. So much to do post-BlogHer! Diane chaired the panel on How to use your blogging to make you a better writer.
In 2007 I wrote Elisa Camahort Page (one of BlogHer's founders and in the middle) requesting a panel for women online artists. I wrote again last October and Elisa was ready! So I got to speak on Transforming Online Spaces into Art Places, along with photographer-writer, Karen Walrond of Chookoolooks and performing artist Khadijah Ali-Coleman.
During our panel I met Jane Pollak, coach-author-artist of Soul Proprietor, 101 lessons from a lifestyle entrepreneur. I went racing after her to chat and she gave me her book. On the way home I opened to Lesson 56
"Go! You might meet somebody!"
Oh Jane, how did you know? Just the advice I need.
I'm so glad I went to BlogHer. I met and heard lots and lots of women tell their inspiring stories.
I met Libbydesign a PB fan.
Jo Packham of Where Women Create.
Vic DaChick of A Window into my life.
I met first year CIA student, Bekah of BeekEats.
Hi PBer, Cynthia of A shimmy in my spirit. Thanks for coming to the panel. I've got stacks more biz cards here :)
There is one problem though - I am not a 'Tweeter' nor a Facebook person yet. Flickr, Etsy, Zazzle, Blogger yes. But social media NO. Big NO. I'm seriously behind the 8-ball and I have to do something about it FAST!
Tweeters gather, watercolor on Etsy, 9" x 11"

There were so many rocking babies at the NY Hilton Thursday, Friday and Saturday at BlogHer last week. 2,400 attendees - 1000 more than last year!
We are STRONG!
We are the world, Bloggers!
We DO make a difference!
There's a terrific recap @Marketing to Women...I borrowed this paragraph:
"For the uninitiated, BlogHer, founded in 2005, is a network of over 2,500 female-centric blogs, a "curated selection of authentic voices," according to BlogHer's About page. BlogHer is also a community for female bloggers, where they can find support, help, and inspiration. And finally, BlogHer is a yearly conference, which this year was held in New York City, August 6 and 7." Next year it will be BlogHer'11 in San Diego

"Go! You might meet somebody!"
Oh Jane, how did you know? Just the advice I need.
I'm so glad I went to BlogHer. I met and heard lots and lots of women tell their inspiring stories.
I met Libbydesign a PB fan.
Jo Packham of Where Women Create.
Vic DaChick of A Window into my life.
I met first year CIA student, Bekah of BeekEats.
Hi PBer, Cynthia of A shimmy in my spirit. Thanks for coming to the panel. I've got stacks more biz cards here :)

This watercolor (4" x 11") is yours, if you can assist me via SKYPE and email. Leave your street creds in the comments to convince me you can make me into a Social Media Diva.
Of course there was a BlogHer gala evening...
Here is my panel partner, Karen Walrond writing original messages on bloggers' arms, legs, necks, where ever...
Lastly I met Nelly Yusupova, a code writer of PHB(!?). She's head of WebGrrls and Digital Woman. Plus she gave me the shirt off her back. It was freezing in there.
Are you exhausted yet? I'm in recovery here, but there's so much I want to do now!!! Changes, changes, changes

BONJOUR BlogHer et Big Merci!!!
Look at the beautiful sights and faces of BlogHer'10
by Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks
Look at the beautiful sights and faces of BlogHer'10
by Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks