No FashionWeek or blabering about the Oscars over here guys, Sorry!
I have something fundamentally more interesting for you
Did you heard about WoldPress Photo and their annual contest?
The winner was announced on Ferbuary 10th, and was chosen between 5.247 photographers and 101.254 pictures from around the world.
Those picture are mind blowing but please, please, PLEASE if you're a sensitive soul, stay away.
They are truly heartbreaking.
Pas de Blablas sur la FashionWeek ou sur les Oscars ici, aucune envie de parler chiffon, désolée les girls!
J'ai un sujet fondamentalement plus intéressant pour vous.
Avez-vous entendu parler de WorldPress Photo et de leur concours photo annuel?
Le grand gagnant a été annoncé le 10 février dernier parmi 5.247 photographes du monde entier et 101.254 photos.
"Notre but est d'inspirer la compréhension du monde au travers d'un journalisme de qualité"
Ces photos sont époustouflantes mais les âmes sensibles, s'il vous plait, restez éloignées.
*(Désolée pas de traduction de titre ou de légendes des photos en Français, mais un mot, un geste et Google fait le reste ;)
The winner is Samuel Aranda
Le Grand Gagnant est Samuel Aranda
Sanaa, Yemen
Fatima al-Qaws cradles her son Zayed (18), who is suffering from the effects of tear gas after participating in a street demonstration, in Sanaa, Yemen, on 15 October. Ongoing protests against the 33-year-long regime of authoritarian President Ali Abdullah Saleh escalated that day. Witnesses said that thousands marched down Zubairy Street, a main city thoroughfare, and were fired on when they reached a government checkpoint near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some demonstrators retreated, others carried on and were shot at again. At least 12 people were killed and some 30 injured. Ms Qaws—who was herself involved in resistance to the regime—found her son after a second visit to look for him, among the wounded at a mosque that was being used as a temporary field hospital. Zayed remained in a coma for two days after the incident. He was injured on two further occasions, as demonstrations continued. On 23 November, President Saleh flew to Saudi Arabia, and signed an agreement transferring power to his deputy, Abdurabu Mansur Hadi. Saleh’s rule ended formally when Hadi was sworn in as president, following an election, on 25 February 2012.
EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN By LARS LINDQVIST - General News, 2nd prize singles
TSUNAMI By TOSHIYUKI TSUNENARI - General News, 3rd prize singles
The winner is Samuel Aranda
Le Grand Gagnant est Samuel Aranda
Sanaa, Yemen
Fatima al-Qaws cradles her son Zayed (18), who is suffering from the effects of tear gas after participating in a street demonstration, in Sanaa, Yemen, on 15 October. Ongoing protests against the 33-year-long regime of authoritarian President Ali Abdullah Saleh escalated that day. Witnesses said that thousands marched down Zubairy Street, a main city thoroughfare, and were fired on when they reached a government checkpoint near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some demonstrators retreated, others carried on and were shot at again. At least 12 people were killed and some 30 injured. Ms Qaws—who was herself involved in resistance to the regime—found her son after a second visit to look for him, among the wounded at a mosque that was being used as a temporary field hospital. Zayed remained in a coma for two days after the incident. He was injured on two further occasions, as demonstrations continued. On 23 November, President Saleh flew to Saudi Arabia, and signed an agreement transferring power to his deputy, Abdurabu Mansur Hadi. Saleh’s rule ended formally when Hadi was sworn in as president, following an election, on 25 February 2012.
15 April 2011
Boats come to rest on top of a pier in the port of Ishinomaki, after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake hit Japan.
Boats come to rest on top of a pier in the port of Ishinomaki, after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake hit Japan.
TSUNAMI By TOSHIYUKI TSUNENARI - General News, 3rd prize singles
13 March 2011
A woman cries sitting on a road amid the destroyed city of Natori, Miyagi prefecture in northern Japan, after the massive earthquake and tsunami struck the country.
A woman cries sitting on a road amid the destroyed city of Natori, Miyagi prefecture in northern Japan, after the massive earthquake and tsunami struck the country.
ON REVOLUTION ROAD By Spot News, 1st prize singles, Yuri Kozyrev
For weeks, rebels held out against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi with the hope that the world would come to their aid.
Contemporary Issues, 1st prize singles, Brent Stirton
Maria, a drug addict and sex worker, in between clients in a room she rents in Kryvyi Rig, Ukraine. Maria injects drugs on a daily basis and sees many men every week but claims she remains HIV negative. She says she need the money to support herself, her drug habit and her nine-year-old daughter.
A MOUTHFUL By Daily Life, 2nd prize singles, Johnny Haglund
A girl fishes in the Congo River, just outside the city of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Spot News, 2nd prize singles, Massoud Hossaini
Afghan Shia Muslims cry among the dead and injured after explosions during a religious ceremony in the centre of Kabul.
Contemporary Issues, 3rd prize singles, Simona Ghizzoni
For weeks, rebels held out against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi with the hope that the world would come to their aid.
Maria, a drug addict and sex worker, in between clients in a room she rents in Kryvyi Rig, Ukraine. Maria injects drugs on a daily basis and sees many men every week but claims she remains HIV negative. She says she need the money to support herself, her drug habit and her nine-year-old daughter.
A MOUTHFUL By Daily Life, 2nd prize singles, Johnny Haglund
A girl fishes in the Congo River, just outside the city of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Spot News, 2nd prize singles, Massoud Hossaini
Afghan Shia Muslims cry among the dead and injured after explosions during a religious ceremony in the centre of Kabul.
Contemporary Issues, 3rd prize singles, Simona Ghizzoni
Jamila, 40, was injured by a small rocket and is now disabled and in need for treatment. Two years after the Israeli operation ‘Cast Lead’, the Gaza Strip still lives in a limbo, worsened by the closure of the borders and the subsequent economic crisis along with the complete isolation of the population.
And this last one, in memory of Rémi Ochlik, French Reporter, killed in Homs, Syria one week ago...
General News, 1st prize stories, Rémi Ochlik
Battle for Libya.
Pictures and Rights belongs to World Press Photo
And this last one, in memory of Rémi Ochlik, French Reporter, killed in Homs, Syria one week ago...
General News, 1st prize stories, Rémi Ochlik
Battle for Libya.
Pictures and Rights belongs to World Press Photo