NYC Santa Con
Saturday was Santacon in New York...
Santacon is a non-denominational, non-commercial, non-political and non-sensical Santa Claus convention that occurs once a year for absolutely no reason.
The santas start out at the Financial Center and march up town (well some of them do) ultimately ending up in Central Park.
It was impossible to miss seeing a santa or 10 on Saturday..
Very festive and cheering indeed.
I can tell a 'Miami' santa when I see one (it was darn cold out btw). He insisted he would be getting his santa hat very soon.(Anyone caught attending Santacon without a FULL costume will be pelted with reindeer droppings and receive coal in their stocking).
I asked this santa when he was due?
Call home Ms. Reindeer...
Instructions:Get creative! Santa loves gingerbread men, giant presents, Hannukah Harries, snowflakes, sugarplum fairies, frisky reindeer, toy soldiers, and Santa mash-ups.
New York Santas are a thirsty bunch...
They require constant sustanence breaks. In fact some might say Santacon is one long day break for these kids...
The perfect snack awaits at Chickalicious on 203 East 10th street, like this giant choco chip mixup cookie. Where's the glass o' milk?