I seem to be relentlessly drawn to animals in Paris... Maybe animaux anywhere attract my attention... I saw this delightful tea-serving Panda working the Nestle stand at the Salon du chocolat in October... A crew of zebras was coralled into serving Nestle's new teas as well! Meanwhile over on rue Bonaparte, les chats were quite busy... Who could not have used the aid of a good cat server during their New Years Eve soiree? Cats readily assist lamps in Paris all the time evidently... On the other hand these roosters on rue Madame are just standing around looking elegant. I have yet to enter the very exclusive Oderantes fleurist shop - quelle dommage.
What's not to love about this hound in a hat?
A whimsical ostrich is not to be outdone sporting a cigarette holder to boot...
Jules Pansu boutique at 42 rue Bonaparteis the place to go if you must have amusanteanimaux coussins.
Over the long holiday I've been thinking about sending your animaux/pets off to Venice and making sketches and doodles...
I was chatting with Brit watercolorist, Ian Sidawayabout pets in Venice, and he says you can only send CATS to Venice. I beg to differ!
Why your average hound would not enjoy a trip in a Gondola on the Grand Canal is beyond me!
Frankly, I think you can send BOTH cats and dogs to Venice. They will behave perfectly as long as you throw them the occasional bone or sardine non? I am taking myself off to Venice in March and I might meet up with Ian on a gondola or at the gelateria...