Silhouetted French bulldog as window decor.
Signs for La Grande Epicerie are almost illegible but stunning none the less.
French children get a good dollop of sophisticated graphics on their mother's knee. This ABC book of onomatopoeia (snif, ouf, miam, woofs) could not be more witty.
A children's hair salon gets the black and white treatment.
Inside Bonton's childrens store more graphic treatments.
A kids eyeglass shop, Lafont pour les Enfants display.
Clin d'oeil/wink of the eye lunette shop sign.
No wonder the French like American artist Alex Katz' artwork.
Viewers at the exhibit look like they hopped out of a painting.
L'homme des affairs blends right in.
An older French girl toute en noire.
This puff of a white dog matches older French Girl's white puffy hair.
Silhouette ballerinas on the bus.
A chocolate bombe makes a delicious silhouette indeed.